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Du og jeg

Det er sommer i nettbutikken!



Life is ever changing, and so is my artistic exploration. 
I write my own texts and draw a lot of inspiration from the beauty in nature and my inner landscapes. I work mostly with ink, pr
inting, painting and photography - and explore the combination of them."

I want to tell stories to uplift people and use art as a way to connect people to their own creative source.


Happy exploring!



Jeg er i studio denne uken:


ons: 15-17

tor: 12-15

fre: 11-14 

lør: 11-14




Øren 24, Søndeled

Gallery, exhibits
and comissions

Come and see what I create!



Do you have a photo of someone special you would like me to turn into a painting?

Commissioned portraits from your photo.

(You will be taken to a separate site.)

Branded art
for your business

As a brand designer I have over the years developed a concept called brand art.

Creating a representation of your brand though artistic images for your office. 



Read more on my corporate homepage.

hotel continental
Sissel Hovden

About me

My story and resymé


Creative facilitation is about releasing personal and group blockages so that creativity can run free before structuring ideas into action. ​ The methodology is mainly a combination of design- and artistic processes.

creative facilitation

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All content on this website are copyrighted by Sissel Hovden, 2024.


Alle bilder og tekst er opphavsbeskyttet av Sissel Hovden gjennom åndsverksloven.

All kopiering og nedlastning er forbudt.


Sissel Hovden Design

Org nr 997 194 403



Øren 24, 4990 Søndeled, Norway


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